Petal Power
This quilt was made for my “work wife’s” first grandbaby. When I first heard she was going to be a grandma for the first time, I knew that I wanted to make her gandbaby a quilt. She shared that it was going to be a girl and Petal Power by Me and my Sister Designs had just released.

The pattern is Trifles by Its Sew Emma. It was a really easy sew. I finished the top in a weekend. I then was able to make the backing and pillowcase the next weekend. I bound the quilt over a couple of weeknights after work.

I always like to make a matching pillowcase. I usually make my baby quilts a bit larger – so that they fit a toddler. I make the matching pillowcase so that the baby can drag it around and love on it for a long time.

In anticipation of getting more quilts finished this year, I ordered 25 of these labels. I love using the sweetwater labels, but they usually don’t have the date. These are from EverSewn.
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