Posey Pops
I found the cutest pattern Posey Pops by The Quilting Collective using Beautiful Day by Corey Yoder. I got the kit from an Etsy Shop.
I decided that I would go ahead and cut the pattern out. I am so used to The Fat Quarter Shop’s kits that are super generous. I am glad I did. See the yellow strips? Those I am missing squares to be able to finish the cutting. I have 2 -6 blocks that are missing from the pattern. I will say that if I cut it out exactly like the pattern says to, I would have probably had enough fabric to finish the quilt.
I think the next time there is a kit for sale that I like from this shop, I may ask them for a custom listing to add 1/4 yard to each of the fabrics.

This was not the fault of the Etsy Shop. Like I said, I am too used to Fat Quarter Shop’s kits and patterns that give you enough fabric most times to change the way the quilt is being made without running out of fabric.

Here is one of the blocks. I have to make 20 of these. It is going to be a gorgeous quilt.
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